By Anonymous - 23/09/2015 08:51 - United Kingdom - Bargoed

Today, my ex came out as transgender. I had absolutely no problem with this, in fact I celebrated her bravery. What I did have a problem with was all my friends immediately assuming that this was the reason I broke up with her, and not that she'd cheated on me for 6 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 310
You deserved it 1 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both are completely valid reasons. Don't care if this gets down votes or mooed at, but if you are attracted to girls and the one you are with decides to no longer be one, you have every right to say good bye.

In all fairness, breaking up with somebody because they were trans and you didn't know about it is a pretty reasonable thing to do.


You don't owe any explanation to anyone OP

So what if it is a choice?! Sorry just a lot of people saying, "op's ex can't help it," implies that if there is choice involved then there is also fault. People should be who they want, whether because they can't be any other way or whether it's just the way they prefer to be. We should try our best to do right by others, which op's ex seems to have failed at what with the "cheating," but we shouldn't limit our or each other's possibilities to either the norm or only such exceptions as arbitrarily deemed acceptable.

I'm proud to hear that you have no problem with her being trans; but she deserved being broken up with if she cheated on you for that long.

leogachi 15

@84 Why are you proud? People shouldn't be praised for not being hateful.

In a time when there is still a LOT of hate, people need to know that the fact they're not is appreciated. It's sad but true. I'm not trans, but I'm pans and despite the fact we are more accepted it also means a lot to see people who accept us. I tend to like to make sure that the people know how much it means as well.

Everyone is not reading the post. She did not break with her ex because she is Trans but because she cheated for 6 months.

leogachi 15

@91 I think everyone gets it, it's just that even if Op had broken up with her for being transgender it should still be acceptable and her friends are assholes.

bobbybev95 17

Stunning and brave. But in all seriousness OP, if they decide to call you a liar and not get her validation of their beliefs either, then you're probably better off without them anyway

Props to you for still being happy for her, especially after she cheated on you.

I'm so confused, OP is your ex FTM or MTF? I'm having trouble deciphering whether you're using current pronouns or not

Why would OP purposefully misgender her ex, especially if she claims she's supportive of her?

nitrog100 21

When you're using both past and present tense, it's entirely possible to jarble what you're trying to say. Does the 'she' refer to a pre-transition female who cheated on OP, or does she refer to the individual's current gender identity? Look at it this way: "I went there with my ex-girlfriend" vs. "I went there with my then girlfriend"; they can both be interpreted the same way, but the first one could also mean that you went somewhere together after you had already broken up.

it looks like you're a lot more open minded than your friends. Ignore the idiots OP!