By Anonymous - 23/09/2015 08:51 - United Kingdom - Bargoed

Today, my ex came out as transgender. I had absolutely no problem with this, in fact I celebrated her bravery. What I did have a problem with was all my friends immediately assuming that this was the reason I broke up with her, and not that she'd cheated on me for 6 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 310
You deserved it 1 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both are completely valid reasons. Don't care if this gets down votes or mooed at, but if you are attracted to girls and the one you are with decides to no longer be one, you have every right to say good bye.

In all fairness, breaking up with somebody because they were trans and you didn't know about it is a pretty reasonable thing to do.


To suppress the politically in-correct opinion or not...

Hey! I've been there, OP. A few years ago my boyfriend broke up with me and then came out as transgender. It's wonderful that you're supportive even after her cheating on you. I received a lot of harsh criticism after our break up too I was accused of "ruining" him or being such a bad girlfriend I made my boyfriend long to be female. Stay strong no matter what anyone says, the people judging and criticizing you are not good friends and you deserve better. I lost a lot of friends when I went through this but the truth is, after these years I don't miss them.

I'm sorry you had to go through that, I really hope you know that's not true. The mind is a complicated thing, and some people take a long time to realize who they are and accept it.

I'd break up with a tranny they ain't a real girl

if she was your ex how could you not know that she was transgender?