By Anonymous - 10/10/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, my ex said "I love you!" for the first time at a party in front of my boyfriend. Smugly satisfied, I said "Well, you're too late for that." My ex looked at me with irritation and said "I'm talking to him!" and gestured to my boyfriend. They'd been "best friends" since middle school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 209
You deserved it 36 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you go from banging one guy to banging his best friend? Smooth.

You think you're really clever, don't you? Well, you're not. YDI.


im soooooooooooo sick of these "omg my bf and ex are like totally in love" fmls. get over it, get to know who youre dating before you date them. is this middle school?

(I hear dueling banjos playing in the background...) Alabama. If figures. I am surprised the boyfriends are not brothers.

srak 0

ydi for hooking up with your ex boyfriend's best friend....****

Wow, at least you know your boyfriend is a *****! You don't hook up with your lovers ex!

Wow, that sucks!!!!! I guess you were just the cover up, so the current didn't have to tell people he was gay. Guess he's out of the closet now!

supercu96 0

well look at the bright side to this, now you can have a 3 way xD

You deserved it for being a smug bitch. And what kind of girl goes out with her ex's best friend?! That's inconsiderate.

Youre dating your boyfriends longtime best friend? Harsh and awkward foe them