By Craigslist is Evil. - 24/09/2013 18:12 - United States - Dickson

Today, my ex-wife put my number on Craigslist as a gay fashion designer needing a one night stand. I only found out when I got a text from an unknown number asking me when was the last time I "ate a black anaconda". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 314
You deserved it 5 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Bitch please I skinned one alive and turned into a purse." Is what you should answer.


I don't usually like to suggest fighting fire with fire, but she deserves it. OP, put her number on craigslist, see how she likes it.

Martinez0285 28

what if that backfires and she takes the first call she gets? :p

challan 19

I'd call and thank her, OP. Tell her after years of sex with her, women repulse you.

Wizardo 33

'Last week in Burma during the annual fashion show bitch, what about you?'

LolAtMyPosts 10

I feel you, man. One of my friend's exes (who hates my guts) did something similar to me. I get random calls and texts all the time asking about my 'rates' and 'how old am I willing to go'. Not cool, not cool at all.

challan 19

Are you willing to dress as Robin and be Batmans bad little sidekick?

notsofriendly 17

So put her address on there, and don't forget to mention her embarrassing fetish.

I would do the same to her if I were you!

olpally 32

What a ****. Put her number on there and call her an "easy *****."

Obey_StudBoii 23