By Craigslist is Evil. - 24/09/2013 18:12 - United States - Dickson

Today, my ex-wife put my number on Craigslist as a gay fashion designer needing a one night stand. I only found out when I got a text from an unknown number asking me when was the last time I "ate a black anaconda". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 314
You deserved it 5 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Bitch please I skinned one alive and turned into a purse." Is what you should answer.


Cluricaun 5

lmfao that's hilarious. Time for revenge

I wonder if this is legally actionable? It seems that a number of people have been victimized by spoofed CL ads (including having an "apartment sale" while the person was away) and there was some talk of making this kind of thing illegal...don't know if there were any states where that got anywhere.

razzledazzle21 23

Who would ever want to eat an anaconda? They're such filthy creatures, all big and long and slimy.

BriannaMGK 15

I guess it's a good time to mention, that you can get her put in jail for that! Lol. Just saw a news report about something like this.

Merylwen 24

Yeah, right, because that's worth throwing someone in jail... For all we know, OP could have deserved it.

NSN82 13

I can't really vote on this one without more information. For all we know OP is a cheating scumbag who deserves what he got. At the same time though his ex could just be crazy and bitter. Again, I need more information.

This FML would have been better if he listed her number at the end of it.

Find it online & click the option to 'report it' or 'mark as spam', it says something along those lines. So sorry op!

Thanks for the great idea buddy. Your ex-wife is a genius.