By Marcella_03 - 05/12/2009 13:22 - United Kingdom

Today, my family and I noticed that our Christmas tree had been stolen from our front garden. Last night, a group of girls from my village posted a status on Facebook stating how drunk they were, and how they had stolen a Christmas tree. I "liked" it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 756
You deserved it 16 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I pitied you untill I read you clicked "Like" on a facebook update with a theft. I feel a bit bad for the rest of your family but not for you. Should report em to the cops really.

NotEven 0

YDI because you liked it until you found out it was your tree. Meaning you agree with #5.


What I don't understand is how the FYLs are outnumbering the YDIs.

Because either the moderation process is ****** or this site is moderated by morons.

DeadMansCrack 4

Well, just because she likes it doesn't mean she advocates it. It just meant that she thought it was kind of funny. It doesn't mean she deserves her Christmas tree to be stolen. I saw a Family Guy clip where these deaf people were having a pep rally and couldn't hear each other (it's kind of hard to explain, so I won't go in detail). The point is, I laughed. I don't think that means I deserve to be deaf. Give the OP a break.

people have resorted to the theft of Christmas trees? what's Christmas done to them?

weddingbelle 0

Well at least now you know where your family's tree is. Go steal it back!

just unlike it and go to the police you dumbass

jane99 0

Why would a group of (i'm assuming teenage) girls want a Christmas tree?

they were drunk, I'd do that for fun in a drunken state.

Kelishas 9

Agree with #1 actually. I felt bad until I realized you were okay with it if it wasn't your tree..

YDI. 'nuff said. O, its funny until it happens to me. Typical bitch.