By highschoolgrad - 08/06/2010 04:09 - United States

Today, my family and I were about to watch the video my dad took of me walking across the stage at my high school graduation. Turns out he recorded the wrong kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 247
You deserved it 3 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

responses 0

maybe that kid looks better on camera

typical American? yeah, like we're the only people that occasionally do stupid things.


TrueRaiderFan22 0

my dad did that to my sister

sloop_fml 0

lol screw it, high school graduation is no big deal. now go graduate from college and create some real memories

nero9112 4

bah high school graduations are not that big of a deal.

troll4thelulz 0

Who cares, it's just a high school graduation. At my graduation some kid puked while about to get his diploma, on the kid in front of him, now that's something to get on tape.

rawrimadinosour 0

That sucks, I didn't see my brother walk the stage all because of some stupid fat ladies were fighting over a seat.

rawrimadinosour 0

At graduations people are being called out by their names so how on earth did your dad record the wrong person?

There's often a lag between the names called and the actual stage-walk. Several graduates are on the stage at the same time, at different points of progression.

ashleybee007 0

that isn't everywhere though. Maybe at some places but not everywhere.

_mooperson_ 0

Hah that happened to me, except it was after the ceremony and we were walking off the stage...the girl right in front of me also had long dark hair, and when we passed by behind people, he somehow switched and thought he was still recording me. He realized it after a few seconds though.

you might be meeting your half bro/sis very soon? just ask him is there something your not telling me why else do they look like you?