By Becky - 21/08/2009 23:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my family bet me $20 to wear a Disney Princess hat for the entire day around a theme park. I am 17 years old. We decided to go for lunch in one of the restaurants. After we finished, a woman gave my parents a leaflet on how to cope with disabled children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 745
You deserved it 9 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That woman fails. How rude of her to assume that, although you have to admit, it'd be funny to see happen!


raquelspeaking 0

Whatever, if you won the $20, you probably made more than that lady (if she's a waitress)....and #132, YOU ROCK!

i LOL'd :P i wanna do that some day the only thing i really did like this, was walk around a very crowded mall with 3 girls wearing pink D&G huuge framed sunglasses, aw yaw

haha lift your chin and wear your hat with pride. obnoxious ******* will be around forever, ignore them and party hard. just watch out for all the homos, there's a lot of em. (homos referring to gay men AND women)

i love how so many arguments are encountered in these FML's wtf let the FML be and stop complaining yes the lady was a rude bitch but wtf wasnt it the point for yu to make a fool of yurself with the hat? im pretty sure i would do it for free those hats are pretty awesome. But hey you got 20$ and everyone else stop arguing over an FML lol c'mon now

wtf are you complaining about? you got $20 out of it. who cares if some random lady thought you were disabled. YDI!

soccerchick02 3

i would've died laughing, considering its just a joke between u and her family. you just won $20. be happy! :) not fyl personally...but **** the world for having people like that woman in it. making assumptions is complete bs and uncalled for

u know ur not disabled. this isnt an FML. if u were acting normaly, she wouldnt hav given it 2 u. YDI 4 being a fkin crybaby.

outlawdope 0

I think this is fake, only because if a woman is walking around with "leaflets" about disabled kids wouldn't she figure that ur an older kid and ur parents had 17years to "cope" with ur disability?

well she's a bitch...why would she assume that? maybe you enjoy wearing princess hats!