By Becky - 21/08/2009 23:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my family bet me $20 to wear a Disney Princess hat for the entire day around a theme park. I am 17 years old. We decided to go for lunch in one of the restaurants. After we finished, a woman gave my parents a leaflet on how to cope with disabled children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 745
You deserved it 9 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That woman fails. How rude of her to assume that, although you have to admit, it'd be funny to see happen!


theslyfox72 3

wowwww what a ****. also i wouldve done it for more money

ArielTheMermaid 17
iafkrofl 0

LOL did u tell the waitress ur not disabled?

number20 3

HOW RUDE!! Just because you are wearing something that a 17 year old might not necessarily wear doesn't mean your disabled. That woman needs to get off whatever she's been smoking.

It's ok it happens, hope your parents defended you and told the person that u are fine! :)

crazy4uboi 6

A lot of teenagers do things like that! That lady was just being down right rude... Bitch slap that mother f**** lol just kidding but still that was just rude...

doglover100 28

That's rude. Teens do things like that a lot.

foxtrousers 14

"I'm sorry you've had to deal with disabled children you're whole life and can't take a joke lady, now kindly piss off so my family and I can enjoy the rest of our vacation without presumptuous ass holes badgering us"