By Becky - 21/08/2009 23:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my family bet me $20 to wear a Disney Princess hat for the entire day around a theme park. I am 17 years old. We decided to go for lunch in one of the restaurants. After we finished, a woman gave my parents a leaflet on how to cope with disabled children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 745
You deserved it 9 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That woman fails. How rude of her to assume that, although you have to admit, it'd be funny to see happen!


tomakobriefs 11

I just have to wonder what you were doing aside from wearing a hat that made the woman suspect you were disabled. People don't usually make that assumption unless a particular sort of behavior is involved.

triplethreat13 0

i went to disney for the first time when i was 9, and i felt stupid wearing the disney hat but that's just because 9-year-olds want people to think they're older than they are. now i'm 13 and people say i'm so mature for my age, although i would have so much fun walking around a theme park with a disney hat on!!! and i would laugh uncontrollably if it made someone think i was mentally challenged!! haha so not an FML

hahaha, i think this is pretty funny.. I've been reading through the comments, and firstly Pamphlet and leaflet mean the same thing, and you've got to remember that not EVERYONE on here is from america, so don't be so self-centered... Secondly, yeah i think it was pretty out of order for this woman to give the OP's family a leaflet, but wtf was she doing carrying them around in the first place? :L But, i think it'd be more of a 'FML' if the OP didn't actually get the $20 they did it for in the first place...

tell her that it's a bet. then tell her to **** off.

i turned 30 this year, had a disney princess themed birthday, and walked around disneyland in disney princess mouse ears. it ruled.

copaface1016 0


lindeezybby09 0
chexfan2000 0

Don't say fmylife, laugh about it. That's sort of the point, to see the reactions, yeah? You got a damn good one, this is an excellent story.

Vincey_fml 0