By Betrayed - 31/07/2009 09:35 - United States

Today, my family took me to a wig store saying I wouldn't feel so insecure about being bald because of my chemo treatments. When I told them I accepted myself and didn't want a wig, they came out and told me THEY couldn't accept it. My own family is embarrassed of me over something I can't control. FML
I agree, your life sucks 102 237
You deserved it 4 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Two things: First:congrats for your strenght and courage, half the healing process is a mental one, when you know you're gonna make it, you WILL make it! Keep fighting and it will be allright. Second, maybe what is embarrassing your family isn't your illness but the sheer fact that you're ill and that they can't to anything to help you. It's not something they can themselves battle against and it may hurt them a lot to see you without hair, a constant reminder that even if they are your family they can't protect you from everything.. I don't know how to say it in english but : Je t'envoie plein de bonnes ondes, courage!

Janelle561 0

She has cancer, and all you can comment is you just got owned by your family? Heartless much


drzhottie148 0

Hey the trolls are being more creative now. Kudo's #1. Also, wtf is wrong with your family? I would've slapped each and every one of them if they had said that to me.

#1- you should be put down for your stupidity

jaimesmiles 0

maybe its not so much that they're embarrassed of you-because what human being ESPECIALLY a parent-would be embarrassed that their own daughter has cancer? Maybe they cant "accept it" as they said, because they cant accept the fact that their daughter has cancer Maybe seeing you without hair is too hard on them, because they cant-or just dont want to-face the reality or the situation. on another note..... you're amazing for being so brave and strong! keep up the faith. my thoughts and prayers are with you.

PurpleHaze23 0

Um, why are there too many negative votes on #7's comment? He was calling #1 a ****, which he is. He wasn't calling OP that.

pinkducttape 0

people are horrible at empathy. they can never imagine anyone having a different reaction than what they themselves would have. it doesnt matter if the family is having difficulty - they arent the ones with cancer. they need to get over themselves and do whatever they need to do to deal with it - not force the actual patient to do something that will make them unhappy. wigs are usually itchy anyways. your family will hopefully support you not wearing one eventually. best of wishes with treatments! i

That's terrible!! Just ignore what they say to you and continue on with your life. Way to go for being comfortable with yourself!! I agree with #106. Hang in there girly! Stay strong and keep your head up =D

Your family is ridiculous. I "accepted" my grandmother's baldness (yes, even the stapled, zipperlike scar from the exploratory brain surgery she'd had) more easily than I did the ill-fitting wigs she wore when she went out. Wigs are itchy, stupid, uncomfortable, and fakey-looking. Rock the baldage!

irishlassie731 0

#7 is the same poster as #1. I feel like his use of "c***" was to the poster above him who said he sucked. And who, by the way, was RIGHT. #1/#7, you're a complete asshole. Go die.

If your the revenge type of person, ive heard you can buy nair on the internet in unmarked bottles.