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Such a rush

By Embarrassed - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was getting a spray tan and realized I didn't have a hair tie, so I used a thong instead. I lost track of time and realized I needed to go pick up my daughter. I threw on my clothes, drove to pick her up, went to the store, and went for ice cream... thong still in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 354
You deserved it 47 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I had a nickel for every time I left my underwear in my hair...


Who ties their hair with a shitty diaper?

Reference to a previous fml but your username made that comment so much better

And yes I realize you were referencing a previous fml

nycwrestler 17

He tried, but failed to reference a previous fml.

tjv3 10

You carry an extra thong with you?

perdix 29

Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Boehner?

Not all tans turn out ridiculously brown or orange. A lot of models require them by clients, and it is a better alternative than laying out for hours on end in the sun. Increasing chances of premature aging and skin cancer.

I tell people if something like this happens. Hearing it from one stranger is WAY less awkward than knowing 100 laughed at you.

Just because of the spray tan, you deserve it miss oompa-loompa.

The hive mind of this website is so anti-spray tan that its ridiculous. Many fake tans look pretty natural and not orange at all. If someone wants to get a spray tan because that's how they want their own skin to look, they shouldn't be ridiculed for it and called an "oompa loompa".

If I had a nickel for every time I left my underwear in my hair...

I don't know I'm just going with my gut feeling, but Im guessing you would be broke Doc....

If that's what you think, then I believe you didn't know me in college.

Well I guess it's not a party unless you wake up with your underwear on your head. But what would you do, if you woke up with your underwear in the right place and some skid marked tighty whities on your head?

txgirl2013 14

"Mommy what's in your hair?" "Oh hunny it's just a fancy hair tie" rule of thumb: keep hair ties handy

GuessWhatKids 13

A daughter should know what a thong is..

34 not necessarily. I didn't until about 5th grade, and I don't think girls younger than that would need to know. We don't know how old OP's daughter is.

nycwrestler 17

A mom getting a spray tan? Who do you think you are, Snooki?

beddington 7

At least she has good taste in underwear. The story would have been much worse had it been her granny panties....

Or that creepy tanning mom from New Jersey who used a tanning bed instead of the spray tan.

I just can't imagine you having a clean thong with you at a tanning place... Unless you keep back up in your purse I guess.

Well I bet you look funny a orange person running around with a thing on your head. You don't see that everyday.