By Anonymous - 31/05/2010 12:14 - Australia

Today, my fiancé admitted to me that he only found big girls attractive, and that's why he could never cheat on me with my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 572
You deserved it 6 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fail to see how this is a bad thing obviously he likes u for who u r and u don't have to worry about being skinny =)

bbailey19 3

fat bottomed girls make the roxkin world go round


I just wish someone would pipe up n' say, "I modded this!!!" so they could be adequately mocked.

Well look on the bright side! He won't cheat on you! Or that could have just been a really mean excuse. Either way, that sucks OP

Well, from the phrasing of the fml I think it is less likely to be a spontaneous declaration and more like the guy was tricked into it: if the poster was saying or suspecting that he was cheating on her and put forward the fact that she was bigger than her friends he might not have thought of a better answer...

Jammy01jams 2

ydi for being fat. and don't give me this shit about it fine to be fat. no get off you lazy ass nobody in medieval times was fat. only in modern times where tv and sitting are the norm. get ******* lives.

..,:.....hah high five for being judgemental and a low five for telling this bigch as it is, it's not a sin if ur fat okay only of going up the stairs is like giving birth then that's saaddddd to the extreme!

Liv94 2

You need to shut the **** up, because your proabably overweight yourself since you proabably don't even know the definition. You are a cruel and inhumane person to judge someone by their weight. Plus they can still be healthy and beautiful. Look at all of the plus sized models. So get off your high horse stupid ass, grow a pair, and get a heart!

requiem360 0

ur an idiot. alot of people in medieval times were fat. obesity isn't some new 21st century thing

requiem360 0

ur an idiot for thinking no one was fat in medieval times

OK, so he'll cheat on you with a blind date.

49 You have absolutely no way of knowing the average weight of people in the 15th century? >.> I suggest you do a bit more research before you try and reference something. It's obvious you don't have a clue when it comes to history. Dumb ass... >.>

yet another Goodyear blimp stupid fat women

amazingjane 0

big girls need love too! God bless chubby chasers!

the only thing I c is tht they r talkin about her friends I don't think she's saying tht he would cheat on her with some1 she isn't friends with