By Anonymous - 31/05/2010 12:14 - Australia

Today, my fiancé admitted to me that he only found big girls attractive, and that's why he could never cheat on me with my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 572
You deserved it 6 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fail to see how this is a bad thing obviously he likes u for who u r and u don't have to worry about being skinny =)

bbailey19 3

fat bottomed girls make the roxkin world go round


evilbunnypao 0

cant agree more with 94 & 96, you should be happy instead

JustJess666 0

omg im sick and tired of all of the fat fmls!! so what is someone isnt skinny as hell. fat doenst always mean unhealthy in fact being too skinny or to muscular can be unhealthy too. and yes people do actually look past the superficialness of societies brainwash and can love people who are not a size zero or a super model. grow up people!! and to the op, im sorry but this is a bad thing how? so you may be thick but he loves you and he is trying to tell you that either love it or leave him and let another girl have him while you suffer for the rest of your life wondering why you never found a guy who loved you for you

latios647 4

thast love baby his a blubber lover a chubby chaser enjoy it cus you have competition unless you start your subway diet

youre_all_idiots 0

Don't worry hon, thats a good thing. i'm a big girl and my boyfriend says sticks are for wimps. Feel lucky you have a guy that can handle girls like us, you have a nice strong guy that loves you for you.

YDI for being whiny about getting some reassurance. Sounds like he was trying to be nice and you took it completely out of context. I'm a big girl, and 90% of my friends aren't. Either deal with it or do something about it, but don't take it out on your guy who clearly doesn't have a problem with it. It's not his fault.

jennayyydoll 0

Shut up op. He loves you obviously that's what matters.

Inspired22 11

I think the point of this being a FML is that he isn't cheating on her because she doesn't have friends that are attractive to him, not because he loves her and she is the only woman for him?

smartalek 2

lol so ur fat. fattyyyy fattyyy(: but he'll nvr cheat so chin up girlfriendd(:

us bigger ladies got bigger boobs than those skinny ass bitches

KaylieBieber13 0