By Anonymous - 31/05/2010 12:14 - Australia

Today, my fiancé admitted to me that he only found big girls attractive, and that's why he could never cheat on me with my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 572
You deserved it 6 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fail to see how this is a bad thing obviously he likes u for who u r and u don't have to worry about being skinny =)

bbailey19 3

fat bottomed girls make the roxkin world go round


...yeh..**** your life, you have a boyfriend who finds you attractive and won't cheat on you. How terrible! I suggest you dump him right away so a fat chick who can APPRECIATE a good guy can utilize him properly :)

youthink_fml 0

Your boyfriend says he finds you attractive and your response is to complain. What a bitch! Like you didn't know you were "big".

Wow, be grateful he won't cheat and that he loves you for who you are; don't come on here complaining about it asking for sympathy.

notsofriendly 17

eh, ditto. why is this an fml? so your friends are skinnier. if you want to change that change it, and if not enjoy your body, obviously he thinks you're sexy and i bet a lot of other people do too

notsofriendly 17

eh, i like bigger girls too. why is this an fml? so your friends are skinnier. if you want to change that change it, and if not enjoy your body, obviously he thinks you're sexy and i bet a lot of other people do too

notsofriendly 17

"he prolly only likes you big so other guys wont be eyeing u off and you wont have much luck cheating on him. trust issues maybe..." 58 - yeah, no. probably some people in this world are, oh my god, actually attracted to larger women. i'm thinking that if he's her fiancé and tells her that he finds big girls attractive... then it's likely that he really does find big girls attractive. just going on occam's razor here

ash92_fml 0

This could be an FML if OP doesn't consider herself fat.... Hahaha if she's a hell normal size and he just said he preferred bigger girls... That would suck. But he obviously loves you so it's not too bad OP.

be happy you've found a guy who accepts you :)

how is this an fml he didn't call you FAT