By Anonymous - 31/05/2010 12:14 - Australia

Today, my fiancé admitted to me that he only found big girls attractive, and that's why he could never cheat on me with my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 572
You deserved it 6 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fail to see how this is a bad thing obviously he likes u for who u r and u don't have to worry about being skinny =)

bbailey19 3

fat bottomed girls make the roxkin world go round


yarbles 3

thats good, someone actually likes you. quit bitching and marry him already. fat girls these days.

the_boob 0

eugh, I hate when everyone assumes everyone wants to get married. "oh, we've been together for 2yrs now, may as well get hitched". it's ******* stupid.

boatkicker 4

Nobody assumed anything. OP said "fiance" therefore OP IS intending to marry him.

chrissstine 0

so he thinks that ur fat?! idg this fml... prob cuz I'm blonde (not natrualy)

You don't need to admit you're blonde.... We know.

Are you an idiot? Your boyfriend likes you how you are, so you start bitching about it? Perhaps you don't deserve him.

AnUnknownSoldier 0

make sure you stay big then

wilson_n_trainin 0

Same thing happened to me. They gotta have something to be able to hold onto. Lol

I don't understand how this is a FML... he said that he likes de way that you are and he didn't call you fat... there are people who are big withoug being fat, just because they bone constitution...

kitties_fml 12

your life isn't ****** at all, sounds like the opposite. except that you're the fat friend, but really, did you not already know that?

perdix 29

Your friends are bound to let themselves go over the years, or, according to your husband-to-be, ripen into proper prey for the discriminating plumpa humpa.

orangesodaftw 0

Although someone has most likely said this, big girls need love too.