By welted - 01/01/2010 05:21 - Canada

Today, my fiancé and I decided to engage in some erotic food play. She covered every region of my body, including my genitals, with strawberry sauce. Today also happens to be the day that I found out I'm allergic to strawberries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 218
You deserved it 4 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For you to be engaged must mean that you are of a certain age, have you never come across strawberries before now?

Did you atleast put some whipped cream in her mouth?


@2 no it probobly wasnt worth it since he prolly didnt even get to the sex 

Potatopower 0

noo this story is bs u wouldn't just find out ur allergic to strawberrys I bet any money u have had strawberrys when you were little. buncha bs

You haven't eaten strawberries before?? Where are you from, ethiopia?

nhaylee 0

how did u not know that before??

Omfg, you crazy ppl that are sating he's 'engaged'. Stop for a moment to realize he said "...decided to engage in..." not '...decided to get engaged...'. he might be engaged, but his marital status has nothing to do with this FML. Stop skimming and actually read -.-

You're the tard, fiancee means engaged. Learn to not skim duhhhhhh.

Ummm...did YOU read the post? It's not the word "engaged" that tipped people off; it was the word "fiance".

Danads 2

If your already engaged how did u just find out about being allergic to strawberrys.

how had you never come in contact with strawberries before?