By Can’t Cope - 19/11/2017 19:00

By Can’t Cope - 19/11/2017 19:00
By lowlife123 - 01/05/2012 03:01 - United States - Manawa
By happybudiess - 14/10/2011 04:30 - United States
By anonomous - 07/02/2011 19:51 - United States
By anonymous - 04/07/2012 14:45 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/06/2014 18:20 - United States - Fresno
By Anonymous - 09/07/2020 20:02
By Anonymous - 02/11/2014 06:30 - United States - River Falls
By Anonymous - 17/11/2023 16:00 - Sweden - Linköping
By Anonymous - 01/11/2010 19:53 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/01/2021 05:01
Ex-fiancé right?
This is not one of the moments you stick out to see if he'll change. He made his bed and now he has to lay in it. I hope it itches just as much as it burns. Move on from his possibly infected ass and get tested as well!!
You know, losing your deposits on the reception hall, catering, flowers, etc., burns less than your recurring genital sores.
Losing deposits on that stuff also costs less than any of the treatments she may possibly need if she stays with him. Herpes is only one of the many STDs, some prostitutes have.
your fiancé better get tested for other STIs. So should you. And i hope you leave his lame ass. You deserve better than this excuse of a fiancé.
Send his sorry ass to the curb and get tested yourself. I’m sorry to hear that you were engaged to a piece of shit masquerading as a human.
This is not one of the moments you stick out to see if he'll change. He made his bed and now he has to lay in it. I hope it itches just as much as it burns. Move on from his possibly infected ass and get tested as well!!
Ex-fiancé right?