By Jane - 28/04/2016 03:58 - United States - Beaver Falls

Today, my fiancé tells me he loves me about 100 times a day. At first it was cute, but now it's getting really annoying. We can't have a conversation without him throwing in about 10 "I love you"s. I'm beginning to not want to talk to him anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 820
You deserved it 3 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

Thought about talking to him about it? Might be a good start.


Steve97 32

And your first thought was "I should post this on FML" instead of talking to him before the problem gets worse? I'm sorry but YDI OP...

How do you know this was the first thing they did?

Steve97 32

Did it say anywhere in the fml that she's tried talking to him about it? No. Instead she's ignoring the problem and not wanting to talk to him at all instead of trying to fix it. Learn to read bud

There are only a certain amount of characters allowed in an FML, and she might just be looking for advice.

Steve97 32

Getting advice by chancing it at fml instead of talking to a close friend? That's real smart lmao

You should bring it up nicely before you snap because then he'll most likely never want to say it again.

I think if it's making her uncomfortable, and honestly it sounds a little like unhealthy behavior, then she needs to express her concern.

ocdisbad 2

Does he have OCD? Sometimes people with OCD fear something bad will happen to their loved ones if they don't repeat a certain phrase a certain amount of times. Does he have other compulsions?

If you're getting annoyed it's a huge red flag. Why is he saying it so much? Have you talked to him? Pfffft, I'm lucky if my gf says it to me through out the day. Appreciate what you have.

He's either trying to make up for something he did wrong or is just a strange human being.

Tell him gently that you know he loves you, and that there's no need for him to say it all the time. My boyfriend's the same, and it can get really annoying. Truth is, I'd miss it if he stopped altogether.

He's really insecure. Just reassure him that you love him. It should slow down.

Just tell him that while you appreciate how much he loves you, saying it every thirty seconds takes away from its specialness and meaningfulness

countryb_cth 38

Deffinatly a smart idea, there's more than one way to show someone you love them and you don't always have to say it for it to be known.