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Teenage jealousy

By Anonymous - 22/06/2022 16:00

Today, we missed our flights to our dream honeymoon destination, which we were lucky to get with so many flight cancellations, because my selfish stepdaughter anonymously called the airline to report us for drug smuggling, all because I married her dad this afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 166
You deserved it 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she reported it anonymously, how do you know it was her? So, did they find your drugs?

Not sure why the hell everyone is saying she deserves it. This girl doesn’t have a monopoly on her dad’s future happiness, or his time. This kind of acting out is completely unacceptable, especially because it involves lying to law enforcement about serious crimes. Yes the stepmother and stepdaughter need time together but a honeymoon is not that time. Further, boundaries need to exist and be maintains to keep healthy relationships across the board. That means that the dad and daughter should have time together but should have time with his wife too. Unless it’s a situation of “cheated on my mom with him, and then married him,” there’s no justification for such action. I do second those who say that this daughter needs some help and therapy. It would likely be good for the whole family to be involved, if possible.


If she reported it anonymously, how do you know it was her? So, did they find your drugs?

I imagine she probably told them out of spite

You both need to go spend time with her. This kind of misbehavior is because she doesn't feel secure with her family changing; you definitely should ground her, but take advantage of her being at home to teach her some cooking, or ask about her interests, or otherwise show her that she's still an important part of the family. She needs time to learn that both of you love her, and she's not losing anyone, just gaining more family. It'll help, as strange as it seems.

tc201002 11

Good idea of the daughter is a minor, but if she’s an adult there’s really nothing that can be done

Not sure why the hell everyone is saying she deserves it. This girl doesn’t have a monopoly on her dad’s future happiness, or his time. This kind of acting out is completely unacceptable, especially because it involves lying to law enforcement about serious crimes. Yes the stepmother and stepdaughter need time together but a honeymoon is not that time. Further, boundaries need to exist and be maintains to keep healthy relationships across the board. That means that the dad and daughter should have time together but should have time with his wife too. Unless it’s a situation of “cheated on my mom with him, and then married him,” there’s no justification for such action. I do second those who say that this daughter needs some help and therapy. It would likely be good for the whole family to be involved, if possible.

Someone's getting an eviction notice when they're of age.