By lucas90 - 04/02/2015 21:42 - Sweden - Stockholm
lucas90 tells us more.
Hey, I'm the OP! In all fairness, she and her friends were wasted, and I was the designated driver. She didn't remember any of this the next day, and actually found it quite funny. She's not dumb. Sorry to dissapoint you. And to the people that pointed out my typo - yes I'm MARRYING a her. English isn't my first language and I was exhausted when I wrote this. :)
Top comments
Hey don't knock it 'til you try it! I lost every pound I had on that diet and even got so sun bleached I got to go to a dance party on the beach.
but then you overdid it and disintegrated. tan in moderation yall
did you do it winter or summer ?
You might to bail out of that engagement before it's too late.
Explains why her hooch looks like a Venus flytrap!
No need, she'll be dead soon anyway.
Diets are notorious for not working. Especially long term. If she wants to lose weight, motivate her to do outdoor activities daily. Even something as simple as walking around in a park. It helps if you two do it together. Although, the photosynthesis part made me laugh. Best of luck OP.
Outdoor activities to photosynthesis. You sly bugger.
At least she's trying
To kill herself
Not eating isn't trying, it's killing yourself. If she was actually trying she'd go to the gym and follow a healthy diet.
At least you've got brains
*mr Moseby voice* good luck with that.
This reminds me of the episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. She only gonna have a tissue, a penny, and a chip for friends if she keeps this diet going on.
This has nothing to do with that episode.
the filter feeding is what was trying to be referenced i believe. still has nothing to do with photosynthesis, but perhaps can be her next fad diet strategy!
I need a follow up to see how long she last
In the long term; you are going to date a plant/vegetable if she fry her brains with the tanning... Then she can really photosynthesis
#11 seems her brains are already fried
Maybe she'll fry her insides if she drinks enough water - I mean she lives in la-la land and anything can happen there!!

Welp, she's gonna die. Although frankly, I have to say, you're the one who made her your fiancee. You're "dating a dumbass" and marrying one and that's your fault. Good luck.
Diets are notorious for not working. Especially long term. If she wants to lose weight, motivate her to do outdoor activities daily. Even something as simple as walking around in a park. It helps if you two do it together. Although, the photosynthesis part made me laugh. Best of luck OP.