By Poorfish - 17/03/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, my fish's tank was all green and nasty, but I had no time to clean it because I woke up late, so the job was left to my mom. When I came back, the water level seemed high, and the fish looked a little strange, so I asked my mom what she did. She said "I cleaned the tank with chlorine!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 931
You deserved it 29 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. I am sorry, but your mom is just plain stupid.


@ #20 Why exactly is that? I called him a dumbass for not cleaning his tank. If your going to have pets then you gotta take care of them. Or was the prick comment to the fact that some fish died from chlorine instead of dying months earlier of a much slower suffocation? Asshole! There ya go. Even now. You want to up the ante? ;-)

@Jimboom You're just a prick for killing fish for no reason. I liked your comment on the "Jackson FML" mind . . . So your back on level terms.

a friend of mine did something similar to my fish. she thought the fish tank needed water, so she poured a bottle of sprite in. you have my sympathies.

LOL, I'm sorry but you're friend is amazing. I've never actually heard of such a person... x]

Assmilk 0

Leave it to a woman to *** up something so simple...

abouttofly 12

#25 Yeah, men never do stupid things.

sunshyne84_fml 0

lmao @16 R.I.P. little fishies

your mom should have her tubes tied so she cant reproduce anymore... we don't need anymore dummies in the world...

that's why your lazy ass should clean your OWN fish tank, idiot that being said, sucks for the fish :-(

Totally your fault. Were they your mom's fish? Does she do everything else for you too? Wipe your bottom after you go potty? Loser. This should be a lesson to you to take some responsibility for yourself. Your fish didn't deserve this, but you sure did.

Agreed. Maybe not in such strong words, but YDI. If the tank was freaking green you obviously could have done it before it got to that point instead of procrastinating and then just getting your mom to do it. Yeah, that was stupid on OP's mom's part, but she shouldn't have had to do it in the first place. F your fish's life. I would say to be more responsible next time, but I personally don't think you should get another pet until you can take care of it yourself.