By Poorfish - 17/03/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, my fish's tank was all green and nasty, but I had no time to clean it because I woke up late, so the job was left to my mom. When I came back, the water level seemed high, and the fish looked a little strange, so I asked my mom what she did. She said "I cleaned the tank with chlorine!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 931
You deserved it 29 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. I am sorry, but your mom is just plain stupid.


Ethan205 0

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt that sucks!!!!

TheOrpheus 0

that sucks. i am so sorry. poor fish.

JonasFan_94 0

Oh goodness. . . poor fishies :( but, your mom needs to be taught a few things about caring for aquatic pets . . . any pets for that matter . . .

member0987654321 0

Your mom is an idiot or a jerk, one or the other.

If you are Asian, that'd be normal because stuff like that happens all the time :D

chris_3eb 0

How are you still alive? I would figure that your mom would have lit you on fire cause you had a cold or something else stupid

kristineneer 0

When you want something done, do it yourself.

liveitlearnit 0

I understand where people are coming from saying you should have cleaned the tank... however, there is no way that you deserve for your fish to be harmed by your oblivious mother. There is absolutely no way.