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By princess - 17/03/2009 05:06 - Canada

Today, I texted my boyfriend of 6 months saying that I was in the mood, and that I was in bed, and naked. He texted back saying "U got fingers, use them, im going to bed xoxo". FML
I agree, your life sucks 151 974
You deserved it 40 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he couldn't be arsed to have phone sex? So what? Usually it takes a long time and the guy could have brought himself to ****** at least twice by the time the dirty talk turns the women on enough to climax. I see no FML here. More like FMF (**** my fingers). Buy a vibrator. On a side note it's really his loss. Phone sex can be very hot. :)


He has a point... It's kind of expected of guys that they'll always be ready and willing. If a girl declined that offer no-one would bat an eyelid. Can't we be "too tired" as well?

SarahStarzz 0

so? OP ur life is not ****** cuz ur bf wasn't in the mood,I am sure u wouldn't drive 2 his house in the middle of the night if he asked u 2 ..... so get over it -.-

Yeah, a guy can be not in the mood, sure, but there's definitely something to the way he said it, too. Saying "I'm tired" or "I'm not in the mood" or even "I'm going to sleep" is not exactly like saying "you have fingers, use them" I'm sure it was an embarrassing moment for OP, too.

So he couldn't be arsed to have phone sex? So what? Usually it takes a long time and the guy could have brought himself to ****** at least twice by the time the dirty talk turns the women on enough to climax. I see no FML here. More like FMF (**** my fingers). Buy a vibrator. On a side note it's really his loss. Phone sex can be very hot. :)

specialy if you have a ugly gf that why you don't have to see her face you can just think of another girl.

RyanZhang22 1

phone sex is for *******. he should go over to your house and have sex with you, op!!!

I think I might have to use that line every once and a while. Seriously, the man needs his sleep!

next time do the same to him when he asked for one "you got hands. use them. btw, unlike you, my fingers are fast learners." he's probably just tired. i mean he'd have to get ready, go to your place.. etc etc.. such a hassle.

Sleeping is the pinnacle of your day, why would you trade that for sex bah you guys disgust me

Hmmm ..................... Cool story bro. (:

Whether you deserved this depends on what time of day you texted him. If it was anything before 10AM or after 10PM, his response is understandable.

HomeBurger 0

He opted for something other than sex ONE TIME and you flip out? Besides, if it's a text, he clearly wasn't in the same area, so **** you for expecting him to sprint over at your beck and call. Unless you provide the same service for him, which somehow I doubt.

alliewillie 22

It's not even that he didn't "come to her aid" it's that he said "you got fingers, use them". To me THATS the FML. I wouldn't mind if my bf wasn't in the mood but that comment would bother me.

abouttofly 12

So your boyfriend wasn't in the mood for sex one day? I don't see what's so bad about that. No one is in the mood 100% of the time.

Bubs_fml 0

Well, if this was late at night, you can't just expect him to get back out of bed and go to your place. Sex is great, but you can't expect the dude to drop everything he's doing just because you're in the mood. I wouldn't expect that of any girl I date. Then again, there's no details here so no room to make assumptions.

shut the **** up youve never been laid if a girl says that to me im there in a second, like really why are you so serious its ****** fml. go back to canada, get out of my united states.

IHateTheBritish, your name just shows how much of an ignorant twat you are. If you would drop everything your doing for sex, you must be pretty desperate. Also, "Your America"? I didn't realize you were the owner of a country inhabited by over three-hundred million people. Please have someone peel off your skin and dump salt on you. That is all.

203 forgot to take his happy pill this morning ...