By -___- - 14/09/2012 23:06 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, my five-year-old daughter asked me why moms don't swallow clothes, so that their babies won't be born naked. My husband burst into derisive laughter, and has now trained her into responding to the name "Derp-Derp." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 671
You deserved it 3 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missababgaga 19

Remind him that he is the father of your "Derp-Derp"


I think she asked a very intelligent question which shows reflective creative thinking since she obviously realised that everybody wears clothes apart from new born babies and she even came up with a solution. You're lucky that your daughter seems to have turned out quite clever even though your husband seems to be a bit of a dimwit.

afairshake 8

For a five year old that's a perfectly logical question to be puzzled by. Your husband on the other hand sounds like an immature goof and a bit mean making fun of a five year old not to mention it's his own daughter. Sounds like you have two kids to raise to me.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Cue 10 years later, and little Derp-Derp will be posting a rage comic about this, ending with "oh god why"

I've just come to the conclustion that I'm a bit of a moron, so excuse me for a second while I go pop some anti-fucktard pills. Cheeerrrrrrsssssssssss.

dog1999 2

I would prefer they popped out potty trained

I think the fact that your 5-year-old understands that babies come from mommies, not the stork, is a credit to her intelligence. Tell your husband to stfu.

Okay, I understand the laughter, but the "Derp-Derp" is just mean

Awww, that is such an extremely cute question that your daughter asked. I understand why he laughed but, he's a dick for ruining it.

skyeyez9 24

A grown man ridiculing a 5yr old's innocence about a baby. Sounds like the hubby's name should be Derp Derp.