By Username - 28/02/2012 00:37 - United States

Today, my friend and I were playing football in the street, when out of nowhere a homeless man sucker punches me in the gut, grabs my football, and runs away laughing like a maniac. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 582
You deserved it 3 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

X3liteXHunterX 12


i've done exactly that to a three year old kid! oh next time watch the blindside!

nani_rox 9

Awwwww homeless people are so cute!!!!

That sounds really random, but a little funny. But still awful for that happening, you got hit and your ball stolen. :(

Homeless man has a block...breaks a tackle and keeps moving down the sideline...he stiff arms a defender...he's at the 50, the 40, the 30, the 20, the 10...AND HOMELESS MAN SCORES!!!!