By doubleCoupon - 24/06/2014 18:38 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my friend excitedly told me about the number of guys who are romantically interested in her. I realized how pathetic my life is when all I could talk about in turn was the number of coupons I got to use today at the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 536
You deserved it 5 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you rather curl up on the couch alone, binge eating discounted snacks and binge watching Netflix, instead of wasting time with a boyfriend? I know I would.

Keep your head up. There's somebody for you.


justmeCee 16

Quality over Quantity, when it comes to guys OP. Also coupons are awesome!

Yes I'm sure all those guys are "romantically" interested.

You just described my life perfectly. I feel you girl.

There are probably a lot of guys who are interested in you but because they don't look like Channing Tatum with a six pack then you won't even give them the time of day. Ydi totally

squideth 18

Massive assumptions much? Your sexism and insecurity is showing, kid.

blackvyper 8

Is it so hard to meet someone? You need to get out more. Try to make an attempt at socializing. Join a co-ed club if you can.

xxreikoxx 31

You should probably take your own advice. :)

I am frugal too i would have enjoyed that conversation ! I would have asked where you got the coupons and can i go next time lol

I get my adrenaline rush from coupons, so you are intense, not boring ;)

If she's bragging about it, she's probably making it up. I would be way more interested in the coupons

Lot hose guys she talked about just want to get laid. There's probly a shy guy that really wants to talk to you :) and you will find him