By OhJoy_777 - 08/07/2014 08:05

Today, my friend found on Tinder the profile of a guy I've been dating and getting quite serious with. I was surprised, not only because he'd told me he didn't do "stuff" like Facebook or Tinder, but because he lied about his job and his surname. Oh, and the fact that he got married in March. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 963
You deserved it 5 472

OhJoy_777 tells us more.

As some of you failed to notice (thanks to those that defended me) I did not meet him on Tinder. I met him in the real world like a normal person. My friend showed me his profile on Tinder and how do I know its him? One of the pictures he used was one I took of him. So am I meant to Psycho stalk every guy I like in the future in case he is a lier? I am still thinking about my next move.

Top comments

I agree online is fine. But the fact that not having a Facebook is now considered weird/suspicious is terrifying.


When I worked in a bar, one valentines night a man would not back off and leave me alone. I pieced together he was married. Big give away the removal of the wedding ring dance. So he was out on valentines day, sleazing over a barmaid. He gave me his phone number and I may have put it on a lot of gay hook up sites.

dont people steal profile pics to make fake accts. just saying that shit does happen.

Hahah can't trust anyone who's on tindler, The poor wide needs to know

I can't believe that somebody RECENTLY married would be looking around elsewhere! Ergh, some people are just so awful. :(

Agreed tell his wife ... He's playing her aswell she will thank you in the long run.

SethsChica 6

You should've searched him to make sure he wasn't lying about anything.

It's guys like this that give guys bad names

Print copies of the website pages and any correspondence . Send them all to the wife through the post office. Also, if you have the wife's email address send copies to her email account. Do both of these suggestions not just one.

What I don't understand is why a cheater would mention on his Tinder account that he is married. Unless that's how he met his wife.