By rozsrredd - 08/07/2014 05:41 - United States - Lancaster

Today, my husband told me he was going to search from store to store in order to find my birthday gift. What was he really doing? His girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 056
You deserved it 4 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like the gift of divorce to me. Oh and Happy Birthday!

Get rid of him. You deserve better than trash. Happy Birthday! I hope your day gets better!


Looks like the gift of divorce to me. Oh and Happy Birthday!

He couldn't foot the bill, so he decided to split the difference.

A Last minute Walgreens gift: $19.99 The gas it took to speed away from the scene of the lascivious crime: $6.99 The knowledge that you will send him back to studio appartments in the divorce: Priceless.

Divorce money is a great bday present, get a lot of it

I don't understand why people cheat. fyl op.

This Fml reminded me of the South Park episode where Butters' dad went to look for an anniversary present, but was really going to gay clubs.

leeloo900 9

Omg Im so sorry! What a jerk!!

Get rid of him. You deserve better than trash. Happy Birthday! I hope your day gets better!

awh shit :( sorry to hear that OP :( hope you can still try and enjoy your birthday :/

I'm pretty sure this wasn't the gift she was looking for...

I thought that was herpes? Meh, who knows? I could be wrong.

He was infiltrating the closet of a rich girl for your gift, you just happened to see the seduction part of the mission.

That's not the only thing he was infiltrating...

His gadgets were very handy in this mission. ;)

Happy Birthday, Op! Don't let a douche like him ruin your special day!

Happy Birthday op! I hope you still have a good day despite that douche.

That's disgusting, you don't deserve shit like that!

In return, you can search from divorce office to divorce office for some divorce papers for him.