By OhJoy_777 - 08/07/2014 08:05

Today, my friend found on Tinder the profile of a guy I've been dating and getting quite serious with. I was surprised, not only because he'd told me he didn't do "stuff" like Facebook or Tinder, but because he lied about his job and his surname. Oh, and the fact that he got married in March. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 963
You deserved it 5 472

OhJoy_777 tells us more.

As some of you failed to notice (thanks to those that defended me) I did not meet him on Tinder. I met him in the real world like a normal person. My friend showed me his profile on Tinder and how do I know its him? One of the pictures he used was one I took of him. So am I meant to Psycho stalk every guy I like in the future in case he is a lier? I am still thinking about my next move.

Top comments

I agree online is fine. But the fact that not having a Facebook is now considered weird/suspicious is terrifying.


F your life, and F his wife's life. At least you're not legally tied to that winner.

Dam that's my life well sounds like it. I'm sorry.

did he tell you he going store to store to find your birthday present?

What happened to "til death do us part"?

I've seen so many rings on tinder pics. I just window shop, but I give them the Nope! The more men I see, the more cats I want to get

How could this even be considered catfished? They meant and dated in person. She had no internet relationship with him at all.

To be fair, pretty much everybody (with very rare exceptions) is on social networking. You should have figured something was a bit weird. Did he ever give you his phone number, or did he not have a phone either?

Is it at all possible you found the profiles of a different guy?

Tinder is a dating app. Why would he put that he's married on it?