By OhJoy_777 - 08/07/2014 08:05

Today, my friend found on Tinder the profile of a guy I've been dating and getting quite serious with. I was surprised, not only because he'd told me he didn't do "stuff" like Facebook or Tinder, but because he lied about his job and his surname. Oh, and the fact that he got married in March. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 963
You deserved it 5 472

OhJoy_777 tells us more.

As some of you failed to notice (thanks to those that defended me) I did not meet him on Tinder. I met him in the real world like a normal person. My friend showed me his profile on Tinder and how do I know its him? One of the pictures he used was one I took of him. So am I meant to Psycho stalk every guy I like in the future in case he is a lier? I am still thinking about my next move.

Top comments

I agree online is fine. But the fact that not having a Facebook is now considered weird/suspicious is terrifying.


I use Tinder for hookups. That's how its designed. Sadly though, there are a lot of married people on there. That's why I check someone out before doing anything. All I do is ask to see a drivers license or make note of the name on any cards used, then search. Amazing sometimes. Still, he is a dooshcanoe!

As some of you failed to notice (thanks to those that defended me) I did not meet him on Tinder. I met him in the real world like a normal person. My friend showed me his profile on Tinder and how do I know its him? One of the pictures he used was one I took of him. So am I meant to Psycho stalk every guy I like in the future in case he is a lier? I am still thinking about my next move.

Your next move should be to run away as fast as you can

"Like a normal person"? Wow. You know, online dating is becoming increasingly common.

But it's still weird that you wouldn't think anything odd of him having no Facebook profile when almost everybody does. Only exceptions I met were people intentionally hiding, mainly from exes or law enforcement. Though, did he ever actually give you a phone number, at least?

notabanana 8

Get your friend to message him on tinder

erenjaeger 16

What's wrong with meeting someone online? I met my boyfriend online.

I agree online is fine. But the fact that not having a Facebook is now considered weird/suspicious is terrifying.

Ultimawolf25 19

'Like a normal person'? Wow...not very nice at all, I'm sorry this happened to you but no need to bash how other people prefer to meet others with similar interests or whatnot. I met my fiance on online and have been happily together for 3 years, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I am sorry this happened to you.

Oy... OP has been getting bashed for meeting this douche canoe on Tinder... So when she defends herself because she first met him in real life, she gets bashed for "indirectly bashing" the online dating world?? Hypocrisy much, FMLverse? OP, kindly kick his ass to the curb... And give his wife a heads-up, she will thank you...eventually.

110 - That would be true if that's really all she was doing. I'm sure no one has a problem with OP defending herself. But then turning around and proceeding to bash online dating, even indirectly, makes her pretty much just as bad as the people she's defending herself from.

Though definitely not as bad as the aptly-phrased douche canoe boyfriend. Sorry, OP. I still sympathize.

MzZombicidal 36

#103, I know plenty of people, myself included, that prefer not to use social networking sites. It doesn't mean we're hiding, it means we prefer the real world conversation as opposed to a few IM's here and there. is actually as social as I get. Lol. OP, I agree with everyone saying to tell the wife. I'm sorry that happened to you. It's very disheartening to find things like that. Unfortunately, with the internet, lying is becoming easier. Glad you found out sooner rather than later! I hope you can find someone better and more honest. :)

I met my husband on Guess I'm not a "normal person" by the OP's standard then but signing up for online dating was the best thing I ever did.

Keep acting like normal. Tell his wife on the same day you dump him

#115, I would say that it's becoming HARDER to lie with the internet. For example, without his Tinder profile, she may never have learned that he was married and a father. It may be easier to lie to someone online if you never meet them IRL, though. I agree with those saying you should tell the wife, though, OP. I'm sorry this happened. People can be so selfish.

brendejafulable 41

I met my boyfriend of five years on the internet.. That's only counting from the time we met in person afterward. I'm sure you didn't mean it in a rude way, but sometimes that's the only way someone can meet a significant other. I agree that you should tell the wife. If you know where he lives, or can get that information. She deserves to know about his cheating. Maybe write a letter, apologize and let her know your side.

I don't have a third nipple, like a normal person. Just because I said it wasn't normal, does not mean that I had the intention of offending people. I'm fine with things like that, but its more common (and therefore "normal") to not have three nipples. She wasn't bashing online dating, just saying its less common (in her eyes). I may be putting words into her mouth, but this is what I assumed she meant when I first read it.

Op, obviously his wife needs to know. But before you dump him I think you and his wife could get creative (maybe a big sign where he works or where a lot of people can see saying "you've been dumped by your wife and your girlfriend") instead of just dumping him.

Just dump the guy already. He's not worth it.

I don't think the OP meant it in a harsh way, I think she said it because a lot of people weren't getting that she never met him on tinder. Congrats on your 5 years, I met my husband when I worked in a dive of a nightclub, I always ask him whether I can tell people we met online, I'm that embarrassed about both of us being in there lol

id make sure someone wasnt using his pic to catfish. that happens alot people make fake accts with random peoples pics. I keep seeing a pic of my brother as peoples whisper background and he has no clue how it got there.

Wow u know some messed up people. I have plenty of friends that don't have Facebook. It's simply because they don't have time for the make believe world of FB.

Because he has a wife and kids. But online dating is fine if they are single and not cheating.

One of my bestfriends deleted their Facebook and no longer had one cause all people ever posted about was drama drama drama so he deleted it ... Not weird just no use

Maybe he also had a fake Facebook account

You did what? There were so many suggestions

1.) Tell wife 2.) Break Up 3.) Ruin his reputation 4.) Stalk-search every new boyfriend you get 5.) ??? 6.) Profit!

would people **** off and stop finding little things to be offended by, online dating is not the norm so its not a bad thing if you do it but its not the way most people date so calm down. and who was stupid enough to read this fml and think it implied the boyfriend was met through online? i dont even see how anyone could get that.

Seriously 103, what the hell. My husband deleted his face book shortly after we started dating because he had to use for it. Not everyone lives their life through a computer screen. I only have it still for my family that lives across the country because it's convenient and for news on my fandoms. It's a silly website that just makes it easier for some people to stay in touch. Worry about some actual red flags in a relationship, like uncontrollable anger or controlling behavior, or pretty much anything besides they don't have a social media account.

I agree with the "like a normal person" statement. I've never tried online dating. And I probably never will. My father did and every single woman he met online was deranged. A couple had serious problems. A few of my friends who've tried it have nothing but horror stories. The few who say they "met my soulmate" are either lying to themselves or the exception to the rule.

You are an idiot. There are a lot of people out there who don't give a damn about social media sites and think they're a waste of time, myself included.

I agree. I was w/OP w/everything outside of that "like a normal person" comment. I'd like to think I'm "normal" (if there is such a thing) & I met my wonderful man on a dating website && I don't do social media. ..& I def think the wife should know. Good luck!

Like the Other Woman!! Yes!! That'd be great!

krakalacka 14

For all of you complaining about the normal comment, just remember one thing; what is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. Normalcy is perceptive, not factual. Now, let's move on.

I'm just laughing my ass off at all the people getting so offended about your "like a normal person" comment.

I met my current serious boyfriend online and he's the love of my life. In the past I did go on first dates with some weird/ugly guys from the Internet. Internet dating is hit or miss!

"Like a normal person" loads of people meet online these days. I met my boyfriend online and we've been happily together for 3 years now. You shouldn't judge like that :)

I met my boyfriend online. We've been together 2 and a half years. I guess we're not normal. thanks OP.

It's 2014 not 1994. Look at all the comments talking about meeting their significant others online. Online dating IS quickly becoming the norm.

Make a tinder profile too let's see what he is going to say

jrn 14

YDI simply for the "like a normal person" comment...

Yakostovian 18

I took the "like a normal person" comment to mean "not on Tinder." Which might be fine for most of you, but Tinder is too weird for me.

Yeah, I feel like "like a normal person" was meant more in the vein of "in normal real world interaction" as opposed to online dating. And yes, I did meet my partner online. No, I wasn't offended by this comment. People need to stop being so politically correct, seriously.

In the RL like a normal person? Wow, how compassionate of you to those of us who have met our significant other online.

I don't believe OP is judging anyone. She doesn't know you all or your S.O.'s, so don't take it so personal. She just prefers to meet people in real life because that's normal to her, just as online dating or meeting people online is normal to many other people. I personally have no preference.

Normal, huh? =.= there's nothing wrong with online dating

not being normal does not equal bad... its not normal to save 50 lives in a day, does that make it bad? no...

so sorry 176 i dont think you get what "normal" means..

#91 the last time I met someone online was the worst experience of my life, he told me he was a DJ, after a few days of talking and research we decided to meet up. It turns out he was a old fat man and what's worse is that he was a known sex offender.

Something similar happened to my friend. It's hard to trust anyone these days. Chin up. He wasn't worth it. I'm sure you can do 10x better!

Just1SarahKay 11

hmmm sounds like his new wife should be warned!!!

Dump him, and make sure to tell his wife what an ass/cheater he is.

He said that so you wouldn't find him on those sites. Next time do a search of your own. Hmmm I wonder if you'll tell the wife? Good luck.

acerredrum 23

It clearly said he had lied about his last name. What was she suppose to do? Pair up his first name with every last name in existence looking for him?

Shadow_239 4

it's funny how all the comments act like this person actually has this stuff happening. people just post these because they can. most arnt real.

You just broke a FML rule.. You will get in trouble.. Lol

Not everyone is into the social media world. Some people prefer the outdoors and things like that. Yes, it is a shock at first when you hear they don't have a profile, but don't automatically assume they're shady cuz they don't. But obviously he's still a douche if he has a tinder account while getting married while dating another chick. I'm sorry for your troubles OP. Telling the wife has several scenarios that can happen. I wish you didn't have to go through this, but I hope things turn out ok besides the amount of hurt you're feeling.

TcheQ 12

I get suspicious of people who don't have online profiles. One: it's wierd. Two: How the **** would I be interested in someone who didn't have one? Even the vet I dated had one. Yes, I use the internet to stalk.

I know of 4 people of the top of my head with no social media. Their partners all do and they are all under 30.. some people just don't have any interest in it. The 4 that come to mind have nothing to hide are not shady at all just not big into social media, they prefer face to face interaction and real life communication. Personally I like my social media but I am aware it's not everyone's cup of tea... I also think it's weird when people use it to 'stalk' their potential elastic interests.

Agreed #124, I have friends who just prefer a phone call over a Facebook message. Nothing wrong at all with that! that's pretty odd.

I agree I have many of my family who just don't like to be online. They just prefer the phone and time in person. I personally miss the times when in person was primary, and people could not expect nearly instantaneous response on all forms of electronic communication.