By Anonymous - 16/07/2009 01:53 - United States

Today, my friend got drunk. He always pukes when he gets drunk, but I decided to drive him home anyway. He didn't puke the whole ride. We arrived at his house and he got out. Right as I was about to drive away he stumbled back to my car because he forgot his wallet. He grabbed it and puked on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 427
You deserved it 6 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Contrary to popular FML belief, being at fault does not necessarily equal deserving it. Was he at fault for making the mistake of taking such a risk? Yes. Did he deserve being puked on for helping a friend? No.

GetTheFuckOut 7

#40: Lmao. You're a dumbass. She drove the drunk friend home. He didn't drive himself. Read it more thoroughly next time.


YDI for driving him even though you knew he would puke, but FYL cos you were being a good friend.

Queen_of_Juicy 0

that's gross! but at least you're a good friend.

Ligerie 0

I used to think it was annoying when my friends cried when they were drunk, but that's worse.

brrrx 0

"Today, I decided to drive home my friend who always pukes while drunk. He puked in my car." Are you REALLY surprised? YDI. Next time call a cab for him.

ithedarkknight 0

I dont see why people get that drunk for there is no reason to be knocking back so much alcohol i mean two shots ok maybe three done and sip on a soda or something there is no reason to over do it...

Better you than the car. You could have got out and asked to use their shower. Still sucks though. =[

dyingstart 0

All I have to say is you're a good friend.

cheestaysfly 0

I think he definitely owes you for taking the risk of driving him home and having him throw up on you. Kudos for being a good friend. My roommate has thrown up down the side of my car and I cleaned it up. It happens.

FmlBuddy 0
rakhil11 7

XD @ #23 and all i can say is: i wish i was as good a friend as u r