By Anonymous - 05/08/2011 04:18 - United States

Today, my friend's dad had a heart attack. Without realizing what I was saying, I texted her, "If you need anything, you know I'll be there in a heartbeat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 259
You deserved it 13 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gusgus36 5

they know you mean well.. they might not have even noticed that you said heartbeat. don't beat yourself up over it

perdix 29

Well, if her dad is the official timekeeper, you might never show up.


wow way to "ticker" off. see what I did there. ticker...tick her.

i wouldnt have thought anything of it if i was her, would just think you were being nice

mine2take 5

"Today, my best friend mocked my father's heart attack. Why the hell am I friends with this bitch? FML."

I'm sure your friend knows that your heart was in the right place. She may think it was a little heartless at first but I'm sure she'll understand.

sociology 0

I'm sure she had a lot more on her mind than u saying heart beat don't be so self-centered jk she should understand though if she doesn't get a new bff

my bf's dad had a heart attack and the second I found out my dad and I were there to pick her up. she spent a week at my place because I refused to let her leave until her dad out of the hospital.

PeaceMeg129 2
Stylin_Since_97 10

I guess if it came from the hear- i mean, it's the thought that counts

You're just being a good friend, she probably didn't think twice about what you said, just happy she has a friend like you there for her no matter what, that's what really matters. Not really a fml, more of a minor inappropriate use of words for the situation that's all. Don't be hard on yourself about it. All you have to do is clarify yourself if she thought you said that because you thought it was "funny" but if you're a good friend, I'm sure she wouldn't take it that way. It's more of F her life cuz her dad had a heart attack. Hope her dad is okay now though.