By dinosaur - 08/02/2009 03:06 - United States

Today, my friend sent me a link about a nine year old kid who wrote an iPhone app that gets 2000 downloads per week. I am a 28 year old software developer and have been failing to write an iPhone app for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 235
You deserved it 6 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets all make an app together about beating the shit out of 9 year olds who can make iphone apps.


develop a **** app. You could get 2000 downloads a DAY!

hey no worries. kids these days have an advantage because they are born when these tools became available. us older devs had to wait until much later in our lives. this kid practically learned to speak when the iPhone was being conceptualized

damn, first year computer science students make apps here...

Not only hot jocks get women nowadays. Success is attractive.

Ooh that sounded harsh. I meant, I agree with the poster I replied to =) you don't have to completely change who you are to get people interested in you! Just endeavour the best you can in your chosen pursuit.

It could just be a noisemaker app or something. Seriously, those are almost pathetically easy to make.

The world needs ditch diggers too Danny.

pedosmurf 7