By Oops - 13/09/2016 18:28 - United States - Portland

Today, I managed to stop my supervisor from falling into a trench, only for the ground to give way and for me to fall in instead. My supervisor didn't even notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 984
You deserved it 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was going to ask what kind of job you have where it's even possible to save your supervisor from a trench, but I realized it's much more fun to just assume you're an office or retail worker in a building from hell with a constantly shifting floor. On casual Fridays, people there wear snowshoes and headgear.

Even the ground swallowed you alive before you attempted a heroic deed. some people are just not meant to be heroes.


TheNoNameGuy 20

I was going to ask what kind of job you have where it's even possible to save your supervisor from a trench, but I realized it's much more fun to just assume you're an office or retail worker in a building from hell with a constantly shifting floor. On casual Fridays, people there wear snowshoes and headgear.

bring your kid to work day is a test for the kids to see if they have what it takes to survive

Even the ground swallowed you alive before you attempted a heroic deed. some people are just not meant to be heroes.

Based on the "instead" I think OP did manage to save the supervisor before falling in himself.

Maybe your cute coworker noticed, and will come talk to you because you're such a modest hero. :D

You need to stop falling over yourself trying to help people. There's only so much you can do.

On the bright side, you didn't get written up for "trench-diving on company time."

You can sue or something that is way to dangerous

lexiieeex3 32

Unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished.

satan tried to drop him into hell but you saved him so he punished you instead