By tubby - 21/06/2012 20:28 - Sweden - Karlskrona

Today, my friend showed off her new tattoo, which is supposed to say "bad bitch" in Italian, and I had to point out that it actually says "defective female". Her response was to cuss me out and inform me that I'm no longer part of her social circle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 340
You deserved it 3 639

Same thing different taste


tatsmcgrath 4

Why would your dad even say that? That makes things akward!

I don't see how 'bad bitch' is a thing to be proud about in the first place..

CaramelMacchiato 13

I think it's because people like to make themselves look tuff. Some girls in my school refer to themselves as "bad bitches" because they think people won't mess with them if they do. It's quite pathetic, actually.

egc573 40

What's even more pathetic is how she'll feel about that tattoo when she gets older. Those kinds of tattoos just do not age well.

Nicki Minaj calls her fans Bad Bitches, maybe that's what OP's friend was referring to, the fact that she is a fan of Nicki Minaj

Or Kreayshawn's one song. "One big room, full of bad bitches?" Well I've heard people use "bad" to reference being sexy/hot. Ghetto-speak.

143: that's even worse because nicki minaj sucks.

Llama_Face89 33

210- damn you beat me to the punch...

210 & 234 I never condoned being a fan of Nicki Minaj i just stated that OP's friend might have been trying to express her fandom

1crabbygirl 10

objectivity is a good thing.

This reminds me of a friend of mine who got a lady gaga quote tattoo but misspelt loathe, and then refused to admit she spelt it wrong and blocked me and some other friends on Facebook before calling us crazy and saying not to talk to her again.

Actually, the problem with the English language is that you are both right, (even though technically you are wrong in saying she spelled it incorrectly). Loathe is the adjective form, and loath is the verb form.

I guess people would rather get defensive and angry than admit that they just put a permanent mistake on their bodies.

I'm all for people who want to get tattoos; having said that, heed this warning: If it's not in your native tongue/language... Research, check, and then double- and triple-check the meaning before getting something permanently inscribed on your body!

Like on big bang, when Sheldon points out that Penny has a tattoo that says soup.

I think the girl just googled it...

Or worse, just used Google Translate... O_o

She just asked that half Italian pizza delivery boy.

Or even in your own tongue get a dictionary a thesaurus as I have seen many wrong tattoos in English.

nerdywhiteguy 4

B****** be crazy!!! ...... Hint the big bang theory reference

This is FML, dear. You're allowed to cuss. :3 SHIT **** DAMN. Thank you.

Also how is that a Big Bang reference over like, a general life's been said in EVERYTHING. I like TBBT but I wouldn't say it's really a quote from there..

Oooorrrr OP was just stating a fact that someone didn't want to hear. Just because the girl didn't react well doesn't mean OP was being mean.

2ndSucks 15

Such a classy tattoo. With and without the incorrect translation.

Laser tattoo removal is expensive. :3 Your "friend" did it to her self, Google translate exists for a reason.

Google translate is not always accurate either..

TheVelocirabbit 10

I think this girl did use google translate, as of it's unhelpful-ness.