By notinflammable - 27/06/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, my friend told me that semen was inflammable. Later at night I jacked off into a sock and then, excitedly, tried to lit the sock on fire. Turns out, semen is very much not inflammable. Naked, I shook my sock in the air so it would extinguish while my semen splashed out all over my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 370
You deserved it 127 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shock98 0

why on earth did you think this was a good idea in the first place?

You know that "flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing right? Inflammable things catch fire???

Comments it was inflammable then, yes? as was the sock you should probably go die so the world doesn't have to suffer you any more

inflammable means flammable, jesus christ.

iSmellNice 2

Learn how to extinguish a fire.

piddly_03 0

regardless if the seman was flammable or non-flammable, the sock obviously is, so that kind of ruins the experiment. you probably just set the sock on fire.

Stole my comment... There are so many things wrong with this FML though. Logic is clearly not the OP's strong suit. Possibly not english either...

piddly_03 0

haha very true. what was your first clue? that he waved a flaming sock in the air to put it out...

Inflammable means able to catch on fire. But a sock can catch on fire. Fool.

thereitgo 1

lmao imagining this scenario is great. just seeing some naked guy holding a lit sock and flinging it around, semen apparently splashing outward from it everywhere staining everything and possibly getting him in the eye. hahaha.

"inflammable" means it can be lit on fire...

that_one_dude 0

Now when someone uses a blacklight on your room, you can explain why.

lololol111 0

you are really ******* dumb inflammable means it can catch on fire waving it around is going to get it MORE caught on fire, stomping on it is how you put the fire out.