By peanutprobs - 31/10/2014 21:12 - Germany - Bochum

Today, my friend took our prank war too far when he secretly added peanuts to my food. I have a peanut allergy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 889
You deserved it 3 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TanzWolf 26

If he didn't know, then it's be funny, but if he knew.... Well, **** him.

That's awful! Hope you're ok.. Add lube to his food.


dave20012 15

Wow. Obviously the friend knew about OP's allergy hence "took prank too far" Sorry OP hope you weren't too badly injured or anything from this. Also what an asshole move by your friend.

ostfaiz 18

well war will remain war, now its your turn Op

If he didn't know then he made a huge mistake and should have tried his best to make it up to you but if not that's just horrible

I would say time to get a new friend. Especially if they knew about your allergy.

Come on a little manslaughter with dinner? Laughter is in the word right? No?

Misswildsides 22

Uh, not to the point to where it could kill someone.

why is this person still considered a friend?