By peanutprobs - 31/10/2014 21:12 - Germany - Bochum

Today, my friend took our prank war too far when he secretly added peanuts to my food. I have a peanut allergy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 889
You deserved it 3 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TanzWolf 26

If he didn't know, then it's be funny, but if he knew.... Well, **** him.

That's awful! Hope you're ok.. Add lube to his food.


brendejafulable 41

Hope you didn't find out the hard way..

brendejafulable 41

Food pranks are not funny. Let's not ruin food that could easily be shared with those without it.

He must be "nuts" to do something like that

Your friend Obviously wants to kill you.. Not your friend & not cool

whats that saying....alls fair in love and war? or something hell idk.

How about continuing the prank war with a hack to the neck with a machete! That'll get him.

nmw404 6

dont mess with people who know your secrets

Whoa that's it over or are you going to keep going?