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You can't handle the truth!

By Anonymous - 16/11/2022 04:00

Today, I went into my dad’s phone out of suspicion and read his texts. Instant regret. He’s 65, goes to various prostitutes, mum’s oblivious, they’re happy and take care of each other. This one’s a weird one to suppress or learn to let go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 458
You deserved it 1 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean... are you SURE she doesn't know? when I hit an age where I cbf boning my husband I'll be outsourcing that to a pro.

no one is owed inheritance. you didn't earn it. someone can do whatever the hell they want with their money they earned. it's not yours.


I mean... are you SURE she doesn't know? when I hit an age where I cbf boning my husband I'll be outsourcing that to a pro.

The ****** are ******* you out of your inheritance and sucking off any wealthy you should be coming into!

no one is owed inheritance. you didn't earn it. someone can do whatever the hell they want with their money they earned. it's not yours.

It's called sarcasm 🤦‍♂️ and Mr. Pencil is famous for it on this site and has been since the beginning!!! So get used to it 🤣 you'll know if he's being serious because he's giving good advice, otherwise he's just being sarcastically funny.

You can't spend your money on illegal activities.

I have to ask, what was your end game here? Do you really want to break up something that works? And what if he wasn’t? Then you’re a snooping asshole trying to find dirt on your innocent father. And if he was, well, this. You can’t win.

I've heard of couples going through each others' phones, but going through a parent's phone? Why?