By rejected - 23/04/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, my friends and I were celebrating Spring Break by going out to a club. I saw a very, very cute girl sipping a drink at the bar all by herself. Trying to be a stud I walked over and said "What are you doing Friday night?" Her response: "Not you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 179
You deserved it 79 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You tried to use a cheesy pickup line and you got shot down. Oh yea stud, FYL indeed.


icedrake523 2

I couldn't decide between "pwnt!" and "burned!" so choose which one you like more.

#25: He's in a bar too, what does *he* expect? Esp. with that lame shit.

Failercoptor 0
Moon_Kito 0

YDI, I give that girl kudos for that one. You don't just try to pick up a woman with the first thing that spews from your mouth, cause that's just like posting "1st comment!!!!" It's just stupid, people who do that just get shot down or yelled at. #56 I couldn't agree with you more. :)

tdawgheath 0

I hate that all women say are "it's good that she didn't lead you on and or play mind games"...when really they do it all the time.... I mean, why else do you think those nerdy lil freaks like you?

skierguy 0

Wow, that is the worst opener I've ever heard.

CPTobvious_fml 0

dude, how can you use a line like that and not be prepared with a comeback? --- see comment #60 you were placed in the trash bin because you failed her test. For all those who think she should have slapped him, or anything else like that.... what the hell is wrong with you? It's spring break and they are at a bar....hmmm..... I will make a generalized assumption that you are the ugly/fat friend... aka "the grenade" that the wingman needs to jump on..... stop making everyone else's night miserable! It's not like he slapped her ass and said that, although I have seen that work.

gleidu77 0

#43 has it right. definitely. what ever happened to walking up to a girl and introducing yourself? when will guys learn that being an arrogant douchebag and thinking you can get any girl you want without trying, or at least showing a little respect, isn't going to get you anywhere.

trilliamme 0

Agree with #30. I think you'll get over it.