By rejected - 23/04/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, my friends and I were celebrating Spring Break by going out to a club. I saw a very, very cute girl sipping a drink at the bar all by herself. Trying to be a stud I walked over and said "What are you doing Friday night?" Her response: "Not you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 179
You deserved it 79 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You tried to use a cheesy pickup line and you got shot down. Oh yea stud, FYL indeed.


Hey, at least you had the guts to approach her, kudos to ya mate... And thats women for ya I guess... Just gotta keep trying dude, eventually continually smacking your head into a brick wall will make a tiny, teeny crack =P

a YDI purely because the OP couldn't come up with a single witty comeback to what she said. epic fail tbh.

You don't try to be a stud, you either are one or you're not. Lame. She wins.

Magus_fml 0

Burnt like bread in a toaster

kimjoypop 0
hannahgilb 0

spring break? my summer break started today.... is spring break still going on?

this_one_is_fake 0

fake....spring break isn't this late

betterthanthou 0

#12, that's the type of thing that dipshits do. Any self-respecting girl would laugh at that response for you trying to overcompensate for your failure at life.