By Anonymous - 02/10/2010 01:52 - United States

Today, my friends are going to see "The Social Network". They talked about it all through dinner, even though I was sitting right there and I hadn't been invited. When I asked about it, one of them said, "You wouldn't be interested", presumably because I don't use Facebook. He doesn't either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 726
You deserved it 3 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to 'de-friend' some of these jerks!

Who the %#%$ would make a movie about Facebook??? A movie about FML would be a lot better :). I envision a movie filled with a bunch of random skits like some guy having his bike stolen moments after buying a bike lock, a guy getting kicked in the junk after proclaiming that he's Iron Man, and a girl who has her birthday at a bar but texts the wrong address causing everybody to show up at a computer store. It'd be like Jackass but you know... better.


why would you want to see a movie about facebook? dum-bass

KayBizz 0

it's a movie about people go made Facebook. am sure you wouldn't see a lick of farmville in that flick. either way, imam go ahead and bootleg it


wow #26 u had so many flaws in ur comment that it was hard as heck to read!!!

KingDingALing 9

37- you're a hypocrite. You didn't spell correctly and you didn't capitalize correctly.

Jmoney1755 0

yes, but I can actually understand what 37 is trying to say

daltreix 3

that movie was actually good though, i loves it :P

Hello will ze grammar nazis stop ze bullshit. 49 that's you

Time to 'de-friend' some of these jerks!

It took me quite a long time to figure out your joke, and even longer to actually laugh at it... 

Yeah with blackjack, and hookers! Hope these catch on a tiny bit... plus 4 Internets to the first to get the reference.

lol. that happens to me alot. really feels like shit doesn't it. lol.

6blondie9 4

what a lame waste of space on fml

does it suck to know that your "that guy"?

maybe he thought you wouldn't be interested because it's about the SOCIAL network.

541MedfazWcM 0

well find new friends.... problem solved