By hoovered - 04/03/2009 16:24 - United States

Today, my friends decided it would be funny to give me a "hickey" with a vacuum cleaner while I was passed out drunk. Not only do I have to try and explain this to my girlfriend, but we're meeting her parents for lunch this afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 067
You deserved it 22 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2, have you never passed out before? takes a damn nuclear blast to wake up.

tendollabill 0

well you sure got nice friends....


fmlfylfaol 0

so wait u got drunk in the morning and u didn't think of the consincunces like sleeping in or having a massive hangover or even getting sick. not very smart man. and why did u have ur friends over while u knew u were probably going to drink till u black out. u need to think things through.

she's not going to believe you! I don't even believe you!

Why would you get drunk the day before meeting her parents? You kinda deserve it .. Sorry

Huh, vacuum cleaner. Sure. At least, they told you that's how they gave your unconscious body that love bite.