By hoovered - 04/03/2009 16:24 - United States

Today, my friends decided it would be funny to give me a "hickey" with a vacuum cleaner while I was passed out drunk. Not only do I have to try and explain this to my girlfriend, but we're meeting her parents for lunch this afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 067
You deserved it 22 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2, have you never passed out before? takes a damn nuclear blast to wake up.

tendollabill 0

well you sure got nice friends....


whitey_fml 0

BANDAID. a big one. really.

who the **** gets drunk the night before they meet their lovers parents? dumb ****

okay this isn't that painful, as people said, there are things you can do, but I thought the username was hilarious "hoovered" that was witty my friend.

If you are a man, don't ever pass out drunk with your friends. It's a given. They will do something mean.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hopefully your gf knows you and your friends well enough to believe you.

hahaha #24 good point, but i cant blame him. dude you HAVE to come back on here and tell us how it went i'm dying to know if she believes you!

albabi956 0

rub it with a spoon pretty hard for 5-10 minutes. i had a black and blue hickey once that was gone in 15. and yea, maybe you shouldn't drink the night before meeting the rents, but **** you to everyone judging you for passing out drunk. when you pass out you don't wake up for a nuclear bomb, so get off his/her ass.

milsio 0

if you were passed out, how do you know it was from a vacuum cleaner and not from a girl or a guy?

HAHAHA AMAZING. this is the best FML i've read in a while

Reminds me of the time I passed out and had **** written on my face, woke up late for work rushed to work w/o washing. Not good but hey you learn form it.