By whykarma - 26/03/2013 21:17 - United States - Waxhaw

Today, my German Shepherd decided to bark at, then attack, a painted rock. At least I know I'm protected from inanimate objects. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 924
You deserved it 3 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

error404n0tf0und 21

keep him away from your pet rock!!

At least you know if that Travelocity bastard tries to kill you,your dog will **** his work up.


How the hell is this an fml? Unless the rock sued you, I don't really see why this matters even a little.

Count your blessings, my shepherd would probably still just lie there and lick it...

perdix 29

Fortunately, the rock can't sue you. Uh-oh, I think I just gave some sleazy Geological Injury lawyer an idea. . .

MorganBrown 8

Hehe that made me giggle(: My dog would do that to buckets lol

Coeliacchic93 21

It's super effective against the rock-type :D

Could be that the rock was one of the gateways to the netherworld, and the only thing that was stopping the demons from invading was your dog barking at them.

Bad rock! this is my territory! I marked it! Stay back!

onorexveritas 23

did you drop him as a puppy? lol

At least your German Sheppard barks/attacks...anything. Mine doesn't, at all. Some guard dog....

My dog tried to chase plane. While it was flying. In the sky. What I'm saying is, it could be worse.