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By cdick - 11/03/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I decided to exchange presents for our birthdays. I spent $100 on perfume and Victoria's Secret clothes. She bought me a bag of lifesavers, then asked me to leave because she wanted to take a nap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 204
You deserved it 5 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ayumi_fml 0

i would've taken back the presents while she was sleeping..

Bubs_fml 0

Imagine if the genders were reversed here? I mean, people are pissed now, but there'd be an epic thousand-comment ****storm going on in here if a guy was the culprit in this FML.


Like #29 said, she could definitely be low on money and be too embarrassed to say so. Also, it's possible that it's really early in the relationship, and the OP just went kinda overboard with the gifts. The OP doesn't say how long they've been dating. Perfume and underwear are definitely "later-in-the-relationship" gifts than candy. You should talk to her about it, there's likely a perfectly reasonable explanation.

bigcrazymike 6

She wouldn't let you stay to take a nap with her? I bet she's seeing someone else.

marielamothafcka 0

lmaoooooo ! thts hilariouss(: PrettyFuckedUpThouqh . Send chuck norris&an army of smurfs after her(: -_Mariela ; *

Hahaha...pootie tang. Next time, get her some cheap ass jewelry from Wal-Mart.

Ouch... she sounds really uncaring. If that's the case, why are you still with her?

ellebell 0

aww...its girls like that that make us girls look bad :(

LittleMissMack 0

You are so materialistic! So what if she got you a crappy gift. She didn't ask you to buy her $100 worth of stuff. Do you like lifesavers? Eat them and shut the hell up. It's not about getting gifts, its about giving them. You are petty and ridiculous. Maybe she hated your gift. Not all girls like perfume or lingerie. They could make her feel self conscious. Basically you got her gifts that you could enjoy too, actually that you could enjoy mostly. At least she got you something that you can enjoy on your own. ********!