By Anonymous - 06/12/2013 16:13 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my girlfriend and I finally watched Toy Story 3; I ended up crying when the toys almost die. After the movie, my girlfriend broke up with me because I embarrassed her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 269
You deserved it 12 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go find that girl obsessed with disney princesses who posted recently, you're a perfectly sappy match!

That was a really emotional movie, and tears do not emasculate a person.


#7 what's the problem with being a sensitive guys? Guys can't cry cuz they are "manly"?

#19 You didnt grew up with Toy Story. YOU DON'T FEEL THAT FEEL THAT EVERYONE HERE FEELS.

An emotional man is attractive to me. He's not afraid to express his feelings. I hate when some people say that it's ok for a girl to cry but not a man. Everybody cries. It's nothing bad.

Personally I think crying has a time and a place. I'd never leave a guy for shedding a few tears at a movie if it really hit him on a personal level. However if he breaks down at every movie, with like full sobs and runny nose included I may be less inclined to hang around. In all honesty I am not fond of girls that do that either though. Especially individuals that do so loudly in the middle of a movie theater.

it's cool. my dad, a pretty manly guy if i may say, cried like a baby during Up. your ex is a jerk

cuz ur a pussy bro... lol na suks for u tho

Don't let it bother you. Keep on being a child in heart.

perdix 29

#1, ;-( ;-(, would you *sniff* be a dear and send some of them *sob* my way? I'd do it myself, but I ruined my keyboard with my tears. A threesome would be *sob* fantastic. Thanks! WAAAAAAH!!!

Dohnut94 7

If she didn't cry during Toy Story 3, she probably isn't human, she's a demon. You're better off.