By Sir Vom-a-lot - 14/06/2012 16:28 - United Kingdom - West Drayton

Today, my girlfriend and I got to the stage in our relationship where she thinks its okay to change her tampon whilst I brush my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 666
You deserved it 6 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really don't think there is any stage in a relationship where that would be okay. FYL haha

AbbyRocksYourSoc 3

Sorry for you OP. That's bloody ridiculous.


integraloflove 0

that was better than changing her pad!

samantha72890 4

man up lol my boyfriends a hunter so he's 110% cool with it. when it comes to being on the rag the only thing he won't do is go down (obviously!) but when it comes to me saying wait lay a towel down or something he says **** it I can't wait which makes me feel like even when I feel at my most disgusting he still thinks I'm perfect :)

what_ever2007 11

That's great! My husband is the same way! Makes me still feel like a woman and attractive even when I'm on my period.

^ Guess I can add my two cents here: I actually agree with both of you. I see nothing wrong/gross with a woman's time of the month, and when my wife and I are interested in being intimate during that time, we like to do it in the shower. No mess, sure, but just changes it up a bit. Just sharing. :)

what_ever2007 11

Thanks for sharing. :) The shower is a good way to keep the mess level down. Good to hear from more people who don't think periods are gross.

129- Glad to finally hear from a man amongst all these whiny boys.

Thank you, once again, Dracoboxer. I'm trying to explain to my boyfriend why it isn't that bad right now >.

187- Not that I'm a pro or anything but when I was young, I just wasn't that familiar with it, and nothing breeds disgust (or hate for that matter) like ignorance. Fear of the unknown is still most people's greatest mental barrier. :) Demystify it for him, show him (not literally, necessarily) how it's no big deal, and he'll eventually realize that you're right. What's a little blood, anyhow? We're all full of about 7 or 8 liters of it. ;) Good luck with that, btw. Cheers. :)

He will learn to be ok with it ;) The birth control I'm on has made me bleed for almost two months straight now. So i've been desensitized, lol. I do, however, have awful PMS.. :/

what_ever2007 11

262 -- If your birth control has made you bleed for 2 months, then I would strongly suggest you go back to your doctor and get a higher dose of hormones in it. That happened to me about 5 years ago. Bled for a month, went back to the doctor, and she said I needed a higher dose of hormones. It's really worth a try. It sucks bleeding every day.

Oh, I definitely am going to switch. The birth control is the Depo Provera shot though, it lasts 3 months and is irreversible :/ So I just have to hang on until July 20 D:

what_ever2007 11

Ohhh, sorry for assuming it was The Pill. That's what I was on. I don't think Depo Provera's hormone level can be changed. Since you're taking that, it could just be that your body is still getting used to the constant progestin levels. (I've read up on the side effects and stuff because of my own searching-for-better-birth-control project.)

Yeah, it could be. But I'll probably switch to the pill anyway, Depo has caused a lot of mood swings/depression, and increase in appetite too.

what_ever2007 11

aww, that's crappy. Depo sounds really convenient to me, but my main reason for not trying it is the possible risk of bone density loss. I've been on the pill since I was 16 (I'm 23 now), and it's worked really well for me, but I want to switch because I did realize I never had migraine headaches before starting the pill...never a problem with feet swelling either. Now I have both. I would actually like to try the progestin-only pills, or at least get pills with a lower dose of estrogen. I'm hoping that will lower the amount and/or severity of side effects.

As a guy, you need to grow the **** up. It's a normal biological process. My gf does that. What's the big deal?

what_ever2007 11

Yup, completely natural! A woman shouldn't have to feel less of a woman just because something NATURAL is happening to her.

I wish I could thumb up this comment more than once. :')

No! I've seen you on every comment on this FML and I don't know why you are so defensive but it never okay! Her mother should have taught get that! Yuck! That's absolutely disgusting!

If she's comfortable enough to do that in front of you, be glad. Must mean she loves you very much. Or it was an emergency tampon leakage.

what_ever2007 11

*sigh* There goes FMyLife changing up where I put my comments again! Grrr...please disregard this one. I meant to reply to someone else, and the dang website changed it.

Sack up and move on! You know she has a rag one week a month so quit whining about it!

Well apparently I am just to open of a person with my husband/ past boyfriends. If you are going to be in the bathroom when she goes then that's on you. Taking out a tampon is just part of going to the bathroom. But if you have a problem talk to her about it.

murphdarkly 13
perdix 29

Did she offer to let you floss with the string?

grndNpnd 6

I was married for 13 yrs and that never happened.