By leve80paladin - 25/10/2010 15:06 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and my parents staged an intervention, and have asked me to go to rehab. What they want me to go to rehab for? World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 869
You deserved it 68 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your parents AND your girlfriend felt you needed an intervention, then you are spending far too much time gaming. It is an addiction just like drug abuse. Time to take their advice, get some help, and get a life. A real life, not an on-line life.

denbeste 3

Seriously... Everyone blames the game. Never blame the weak people that plays it. dumb people.


So prove them wrong and cancel your account... it's just a game. Unless of course they're right and you really can't quit in which case you're a loser with no self control...get help.

I play that game.... I don't find it extremely addicting. Prove them wrong. Don't play for a month, then play off and on..... works for me. =/

wackywillie54 0

lol you play that game?! how in gods green earth do you have a girlfriend? is she like the online gamer's girlfriend? playin WOW and jacking off to her magical sorceress or whatever the hell is in that game!

savanna44 0

i dont play WoW.... but i play CoD which i like & got addicted to for a month then i got it taken away & just forgot about it... but i still play it a little. nothing wrong with a girl to like a game that most guys play. but never talk during the game or guys freak out.. i learned that the hard way.

if both your parents AND your girlfriend are asking you to go to rehab, its probably for a legit reason. so.. fail on your part?

johnnie254 7

Probably single and disease free now

Beautiful088 4

Lol thats funny :)) my dad and brother r the ones who got me interested in wow. But im not addicted. Maybe u should get help but the ppl who dont play r just h8rs!!

1664beerbelly 0

you have a WOW problem AND AND AND a gf??? you're living the lfie mate. fu k the haters. share your knoweldge/stupidity at

Just get your gf to play with you. :) Then your troubles will be solved. /wave.